
What is neurodiversity awareness training?

This 60 – 90 minute neurodiversity awareness training is one of the services that we offer as part of our skills and below are details about how it works.

Neurodiversity explained – what it is?

We will explore the language of neurodiversity and how this helps to frame what it is. We will then briefly examine each of the underlying diagnoses that fall under this umbrella, including what they look like and their associated strengths and challenges.

Why neurodiversity awareness matters – how it makes organisations better

Neurodiverse individuals are likely to account for 15% of the average organisation’s workforce, with specific industries having far more. Many of these individuals will be undiagnosed though this landscape is rapidly changing with more active screening and diagnosis taking place. The negative components of neurodiversity are often well understood; what can be less well understood is the huge positive impact that neurodiverse individuals can and do have on organisations.

We will also briefly explore neurodiversity and decision making and why this is important with case studies to demonstrate the benefits.

Building an inclusive, neurodiverse workplace – what you need to consider and be aware of

We will look at some of the lessons learned from increasing the inclusivity of other diverse groups, including sponsorship and programmes. We will then examine how awareness training and coaching can help specific roles and responsibilities within the business. Then, we will look at organisational structure and communication and how this can be adapted and reviewed to ensure it meets the needs of the business. Finally, we will look at environmental factors that often need to be considered when making a workplace an effective environment for all employees, as well as assistive technology options.

Neurodiversity awareness  – what next, where to get further support and assistance

During this session, we will explore specific issues and give guidance on what to consider and what to do next. We will also include some advice on what support is available and the actions you should be looking to take. I would encourage you that many changes have little, or no cost and we often find that making a workplace more neuroinclusive is better for everyone.

For more about this service please contact me.